journalism faces a unique challenge of objectivity. We all vote or at
least as an eligible voter, think about who we would vote for in any
race. That makes every journalist suspect of bias in political
reporting. In order to remove any possibility of biased reporting,
responsible news outlets like the NYT and WaPo employ a traditional fair
and balanced standard.
In practice, the fair and balanced standard looks like this:
something happens, like a quote from a candidate at a rally, a release
of emails from Wikileaks, the Supreme Court issues a ruling, it is
reported straight - just the facts ma'am. In any situation deemed
political in nature, the reaction of "both sides" is then sought and
reported straight. It is up to "both sides" to challenge each others
statements. Any evaluation of the quality of each side's response is
left to the editorial page, but followup questions by the journalist can
be ignored. OK, stop right there. That's a problem. This means that
the context - the setting- in which the story is placed is left to a
battle between two opposing sides rather than an independent viewpoint.
Why? Because we can not trust the independent journalist to fairly
determine which issues are important and which are not, or which
statements by one side or the other are misleading or distracting and
which are right on point. That leaves a lot of room for one side or the
other to divert attention away from issues that matter to people and
toward issues that may be minor, but make a bigger splash in the news.
Now, an independent competent journalist could pursue tough questioning
on important issues, rather than gotcha questions that create
excitement, but can leave a citizenry uninformed.
fair and balanced traditional approach to objective reporting may have
been effective once upon at time, but it has left an opening a mile wide
for the Foxnews channel to report news as they see it, but still claim
they are fair and balanced. Fox is news with a specific point of view
that is favorable to Republican candidates which results in those
candidates sometimes talking exclusively to Fox. Ironically, the NYT and
WaPo traditional approach has not done them any favors - both are
consistently accused of bias by the usual suspects and WaPo has been
banned by the Trump campaign without that campaign having any concern
about how that looks. Judging by the comments columns on NYT articles,
many commenters accuse some writers of extreme bias ("in the tank for
Hillary") while other commenters lament the failure of the NYT to take
on objective analysis of political events.
Context is
everything, but when the context involves politics, the NYT is deathly
afraid of recognizing context and reporting it as fact. For example,
anyone can see that while he was president, Bill Clinton and his
administration were made subject to endless accusations and
investigations. This was and is a simple fact. But NYT and other
traditional media always feel compelled to place that fact in a
"balanced" context, suggesting that it never would have happened if they
(Bill and Hillary) somehow were better people or that they somehow
brought it on themselves and therefore deserved it (ignoring the fact
that democratic institutions are sorely tested by impeachment and other
extreme events.).
The next Democrat to run and win the
presidency was Barack Obama. No surprise, he too was made subject to an
endless stream of accusations that were false, many of those appealing
to the worst instincts among the population. Jumping ahead, we find
Hillary Clinton subject to an endless stream of accusations of venality.
Here we go again. So the pattern is clear. Every successful Democratic
candidate for president, which usually means Dems who are willing to
compromise with Republicans, is being made subject to a series of
extreme accusations that are given lasting life by Fox and others who
set the narrative. That is a simple fact. The failure of the NYT to
report that pattern as a simple fact due to fear of being labeled biased is an abject failure of the traditional objective reporting model.
The NYT does not recognize this fundamental failure. It allows other,
less responsible organizations to take control of the narrative as the
NYT flounders. Meanwhile, no one actually believes that NYT news
reporters lack their own points of view.
Wouldn't it
make more sense for NYT reporters to constantly seek the truth, which
means placing the fact within the proper context for understanding and
try to keep their personal points of view from interfering with the
search for truth. Then if bias creeps into individual reporting, deal
with that as a problem, but do not avoid contextual reporting
altogether, which has been the big problem.
NYT risks being overtaken by the blogosphere.
There are many blogs that boldly go where no NYT piece has gone before.
West Coast Stat Views is one example.
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