Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Stormy Nikki

We had a welcome "emperor's new clothes" moment this week after U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley went on the Sunday talk shows to announce the new Russia sanctions about to be implemented the next day, only to be thrown under the bus by the White House with a slap that Haley was "confused" according to would-be economist and TV personality Larry Kudlow.

Haley's retort "I don't get confused" was a refreshing departure from previous Trump administration lackeys who supposedly complain in private, but are reluctant to speak in realistic terms in public - even after they resign.

Kudlow was forced to walk back his comment and apologize, but why? Well, Haley's immediate push back showed that she, too, could be unpredictable and possibly loyal to the U.S. She was not necessarily a reliable member of the president's mafia of close family members, TV personalities, and others with close ties to Russia. Haley was signaling that if the press continued to ask her legitimate questions about the Russia sanctions, she might insist on speaking her mind and answering honestly. Not a welcome result for this administration.

If those Russia sanctions are not implemented, it would be even more refreshing to see her put self and country over Trump and party and fight back harder.

How about let's have a future tweet:

Nikki HaleyVerified account @nikkihaley May 25

@ReallDonaldTrump: I hereby resign as Ambassador to the United Nations effective immediately. Hope you are not on the toilet, sir.

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